Monday, June 23, 2008

All American All Tron

Hey Internet-
So as I've mentioned in two posts already, this weekend my family and some friends and I ran the Wasatch Back Relay. It's a relay race from Logan to Park City and the 180 miles are divided up among 12 people and it takes somewhere between about 19 to 32 hours to finish depending upon your overall team speed. There were like 570 teams this year and with 12 people per team, I'm sure everyone in Utah knows at least one person who participated and has heard about it. So the question is, how many photos of something that is potentially annoying to talk about can you post at once? Let's find out!

Friday morning, Luke speeding through the first leg

Luke's Isabelle and Dylan, aka THE WORLD'S MOST ADORABLE CHILDREN

Megan to Amber exchange

Megan and Mikey camera trickery!!


my gorilla run

first blister surgery


wife to husband night exchange

Tron car/dance party car

second blister surgery

Saturday morning big brother Sterling surprise!

face punch Luke to me exchange

Katie's last run, best victory fist ever

this is how I roll

duct tape ace bandage


group nap while the second van finished their final legs


Saturday afternoon at the finish line, this is a good idea of how All American All Tron functioned the whole time

Van 1 Megan, Amber, Emily, Luke, Katie and Mike

Van 2 Scary Clint, Kristen, Logan, Katie, Corey and Christopher

That's 22...too much?

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